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Wind, Tornadoes and Baseball, What A Time.

Writer: TheAverageJoeTheAverageJoe

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

***I noticed a draft started but I never finished this one. I forgot. It happens. It's a little old in the beginning but here it is.

It's Tornado Season

As a kid I was terrified of thunderstorms. Even as I grew older, there was always some anxiousness whenever bad weather moved through. However, it’s amazing what frequent exposure does to your brain because after only a year and nine months of living in Oklahoma, I don’t have that fear anymore.

Thunderstorms and tornadoes are prevalent here and after some time, it just becomes another thing to deal with. a couple of weeks ago we had a very rare “very high” 10 or of 10 on a 1-10 scale for tornadoes. We were lucky where we are outside of OKC and the really bad stuff missed to the north by a few miles, but we both have gotten so used to this type of weather that we watched movies and read during most of it.

Is it always a little worrisome when you hear that high of a risk, but what can you do? Basements in Oklahoma are very rare thanks to the red clay soil down here. It soaks up tons of moisture so the basement can easily crack and require foundation work.

I got the shelter prepped just in case (also known as the closet), the Yeti charged up, just in case but I’ve learned that this is just part of life down here. Honestly the thing that took the most getting used to was the wind. Man this place is windy. All the time. 50 mph wind is pretty common. A “breeze” is 20. It’s nuts.

All is well here after a few weeks of intense storms. Other areas of the state were not so lucky, and all of those people are in my thoughts. As of today, May 24th, Oklahoma has seen 85 tornadoes. More severe threats are present this weekend so I'm sure that number will climb.

Despite the thunderstorms, greater risk of tornadoes and the relentless wind, Oklahoma is still a great place.

Banana Ball Time!

We were lucky to be able to get tickets to a Savannah Banana Game! I know how hard that is so I'm super grateful.

Man in a banana costume riding a bike
A baseball team celebrating at home plate

All I have to say is, WOW. What an experience. There is so much going on and so many people. The first thing I had to tell myself as a true baseball fan is that this is NOT baseball. It's entertainment with baseball intertwined.

It's a really fun time and some of the plays these guys (and girl) make are outrageous. Backflip while catching a ball in the outfield? Yep, Backflip before throwing a pitch? You bet. It's so crazy and really makes you respect the talent that it takes to play this game.

Shooting Update

Another week down, another trip to the range in the books. I'm challenging myself to work on my longer distance shooting. I'm confident and comfortable shooting close range (10 yards and closer) but now I want to become the same way at 20-25 yards.

A shooting target with bullet holes
A shooting target with bullet holes

For my first time shooting at a distance of 20 yards I think I did pretty good. Everything is in the black and I didn't pull any shots (all shots were accounted for). I brought the target a little closer for my second round, about 15 yards, and the result was a much tighter grouping. I'm getting there.

Oh, another interesting thing. We have been buying and using Freedom Munitions ammo almost exclusively, it's cheap and very good quality. We've fired probably over 4,000 rounds through our guns with this ammo and I FINALLY had a misfire. 1 round out of about 4,000, that's pretty fantastic.

The HurryCane

Those of you that know me or have been following along for a minute know that I, for the most part, use a cane to walk. I also watch a lot of Bones on the Cozi channel, which is clearly geared towards older, let's call them elderly, adults.

Most people my age have certainly seen the infomercial for the HurryCane. I'm not proud of it but I am now a proud owner of this cane. And, I'm not going to lie, it's pretty great. It stands on its own, how cool is that?

Alright, that's all for now. Till next time, -J


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