This weekend was the first outing with the TALON Grip installed on my gun and wow did it make a difference. It's amazing what such a small change can do.
Not that the grip on the G17 is bad, it's not, not even by a long shot. I just needed a little extra hold. With the TALON Grip installed it felt like the gun was glued to my hand. The grip feels similar to skateboard tape now and doesn't budge at all as I'm firing. I feel like I have such a better hold on the gun now and it shows.
The image on the left is before applying the TALON Grip. The shots are pretty spread out, partially because I had to adjust my grip after each shot fired.
The image on the right is my outing from this weekend with the TALON Grip installed. The shots are in a much tight cluster, with just a few that got away from me. (if you look closely you can see several .22 holes from the lady next to me who was clearly a new shooter)
Granted I've shot 250 rounds through the gun with the TALON Grip installed, I'm pretty convinced. For less than $20 it was the best thing I could have done, and if you are looking for a cheap upgrade for your gun, check out all they have to offer.
Also, shameless plug time. Freedom Munitions has been excellent for us. We've fired roughly 2,000 rounds through our guns and have not once had any misfires or other issues. Check them out. (I am not affiliated with them whatsoever and make no profit on anything through them)
Until next time.